Please Take Me Away | Teen Ink

Please Take Me Away

February 22, 2010
By CapturedHeart BRONZE, Laconia, New Hampshire
CapturedHeart BRONZE, Laconia, New Hampshire
3 articles 4 photos 0 comments

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People are like stained glass. In the sunlight they sparkle and shine, but when the sun sets, the true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.

Please take me away,
Let the sound numb my brain.
Please let me escape,
Let me run from the pain.

In excitement I sway,
As I pack up my things.
I leave "home" behind,
To see what life brings.

My footsteps are soft,
Drowned out by the rain.
Will tomorrow be better?
Or did I try in vain?

At the train tracks I stop
But the rain keeps on flowing.
I sit myself down,
But the rain keeps on going.

My feet are all sore.
I've been walking for hours.
My body is cold
From the icy rain showers.

My things are all wet
And my matches wont light.
Is it getting dark?
Or am I losing my sight?

It's dark, I can't see
And the rain's all I hear.
I sit on the tracks
Full of sorrow and fear.

I sit there and weep,
Try to block out the rain.
Then the lights are right there.
I didn't hear the train.

Please take me away,
Let the sound numb my brain.
Please take me away,
Let me run from the pain.

The author's comments:
So as I was writing this piece I found myself in another pocket of depression, and all I could think about (for some reason) was all of the kids that had ever run away from home and never returned.
I hope someone reading this will like it. :)

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 8 2010 at 4:50 pm
AmberAnn_d-_-b SILVER, Laconia, New Hampshire
9 articles 12 photos 30 comments

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"Don't sweat the small stuff, and its all small stuff."~CFC

This is really pretty, and sad. I really like it and I can't wait to see what else you will write.