An Ode to the Forgotten | Teen Ink

An Ode to the Forgotten

February 13, 2010
By SuzieSnapp BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
SuzieSnapp BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Ode to the people who are forgotten,
To the ones who used to matter, who used to be loved and cared for.

Ode to those people who’s desperation for love and kindness
Is as strong as a titan, fighting with all his majesty and power,
His strength as noticeable to the untrained eye, as his rippling muscles are.
Ode to the people who are forgotten,
To the ones whose memories are of all that was good, of all that kept their hope in humanity alive,
To the ones whose memories are only of despair and pain, who will never know the joys of being loved.

Ode to the broken hearts out there so far beyond repair

broken, these people are
A million suns will set before these hearts are healed
pieced together by a love unwavering.
Ode! Ode to the people who are forgotten,
To the ones who never got to experience the everlasting love of a mother,
To the ones whose father never walked through fire to keep their very name sacred and protected.

Ode to the people who are forgotten,
To the ones who tried and tried,
Only to be kicked while already on the ground

pushed even further over the cliffs of desperation
Ode to the ones who never, ever gave up
who stared adversity in the face and kept going on.

The ones who didn’t give in
And ode to the ones who couldn’t take it anymore,
The ones, whose lives were lost, like a seashell thrown out into the deep, dark sea.
Never to be seen again.

This is an ode, for all the people forgotten
An ode to all the kids who raised themselves,
An ode to all the girls who were raped of all emotions,
An ode to all the men who never got to be little boys, forced to grow up too soon.
This is an ode, for all the people forgotten.

The author's comments:
Inspired by my tulip. I love you.

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