Letter to my Heart | Teen Ink

Letter to my Heart

January 4, 2010
By pinupprincess921 BRONZE, Lake Villa, Illinois
pinupprincess921 BRONZE, Lake Villa, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if you'll die tomorrow

I have this feeling
Please don't lead me wrong this time
I could touch the ceiling.
Hell I'll even rhyme

We've been through so much
Ups and downs without much meaning
How can I still feel such
How can you still be beating

I look ahead
Can't help but look behind
All the things said
All the things unkind

So many cracks
It's a wonder you're still whole
Despite the facts
You aren't yet made of coal

I've been careless
Stupid with you
So reckless
But you've let me down too

We both believed the lies
The promises we held true
Now we hold only ties
But we're getting the clue.

Don't give up
So tempting it may be
We deserve more than this empty cup
Just Keep beating and you'll see

This new feeling excites and scares
I want to jump in and see
And hope it never tears
Let's wait for how different he can be

But if this turns to be the same
We will heal
And put them all to shame

The author's comments:
This was about a new guy after a really messy break-up. He turned out the same.

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