Not an Everyday Hero | Teen Ink

Not an Everyday Hero

January 11, 2010
By xarianna85x BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
xarianna85x BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As a boy he sang in a choir this sparked his fire.
From chorus to harmonious cry he had to see many of his friends die.
Fire, boom there goes a shot, all the faces he never forgot.
Meeting a beauty he fell apart, together they took each others heart.
Nine kids later, Grandpa was still true,he loved every single one, not just two.
His kids grew with his motivation they had kids that were a whole new nation.
My Grandpa bought me teddy bears, he protected me from all my fears.
As I grew older he would smile, remember all awhile I was a little girl on her way to be a woman some day.
Grandpa has been gone for two years and there has been many tears.
I live on with that same motivation for my hero, Grandpa has set for his new little nation.


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