A Complete Stranger | Teen Ink

A Complete Stranger

January 11, 2010
By Anonymous

I look back and think where has the year gone
it has gone to alot of memorie
it all started with a simple friend request to my myspace
as lame as it was it did something
I accepted it not knowing the person or what to expect
OMJ did I just do something bad adding a complete stranger
no I didn't I added a wonderful guy that has made this year special
it took some messages to my cell number for text messages and later phone calls
I look back and still think where has the year gone
not only the year but the guy I first met
the guy I met was an ok guy that did some bad stuff and got in trouble
bt even guys like that can have a nice side
he was always texting and calling when I was sick
or even just to check up because he cared
I soon came to realize that he wanted me
so I finaly said yes to a simple question
he soon began to change
a little more at a time
even with our ups and downs we finaly made a year
a year with a new life and memories
but I still wonder what happen to the guy
that complete stranger I once didn't know
what happen to the guy is he changed in many ways
for good and some for the bad
he is the guy has matured in many ways
he is the guy that was always on the other end of the phone line
he is the guy that I pulled the nice side out of
he is the guy that I found out I love
and he is the same guy that I spend a year with
but to me is still a complete stranger that changes in many ways

The author's comments:
Me and my boyfriend that bearly made it a year with our ups and downs. He has changed in so many ways so i decided to write a poem about him and the way he is still a stranger.

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