A Not So Sweet Surprise | Teen Ink

A Not So Sweet Surprise

December 21, 2009
By Caroline Vill BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Caroline Vill BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We are just twenty-one days from October thirty-first./ I hope Halloween gets here fast or I think I might burst./ It is my favorite holiday, not counting Christmas./ I need to find a costume, so let's get down to business.// For hours and hours I sit and ponder on my bed./ I better think of one fast, or I might run out of lead./ A cat? A witch? A zombie? Or maybe a blueberry?/ Oh My Gosh! It's the perfect idea-a woodland fairy!/ Yes! It is a brilliant idea! I can tell within!/ So I begin to sort through my old dancing costume bin./ I pull out my lyrical costume- it is just right!/ I love the way it shines and shimmers in the bright sunlight.// It has jagged edges that remind me of Tinker Bell,/ And I have a matching hairband that will work very well./ Fake brown leaves will be placed in my half up-half down curled hair,/ But I feel that something is missing that makes me feel bare.// I assemble my costume of shining, sparkling things,/ But how could I forget the most important part-my wings!/ I suddenly remember that I have a pair downstairs,/ So I dash out of my room and hope my wings are still there.// I fly around two corners, pull open my basement door,/ And fall down the last six steps, so afterward I am sore./ I slowly arise from my flabbergasted condition./ When I fully recover, I continue my mission.// I steadily walk into the dreaded, dark laundry room,/ Descending upon me is a sense of terror and doom./ I flip on the light switch, which helps me relax a bit more./ But as I look down, there's my worst enemy on the floor.// I scream and shout, but nobody is home to hear,/ And as it gets closer, I jump on a chair that is near./ Its eight hairy legs and sharp, pointed fangs get close,/ Bu the spider did not survive and killing it was gross.// At having won the battle, I climb down from my safe chair,/ And proceed to the closet, while reciting a brief prayer./ Finally, I unbolt the door and search through every box./ Not one of them is labeled "Halloween"; I am in shock.// After all the trouble I went through to get these dumb wings,/ I slam the door in frustration and knock over some things./ As my anger depletes, I pick up the scattered objects,/ And see a box labeled "Halloween" in plain veiw, what next?// I dawdle unwillingly toward the orange and black box./ When I peer inside, I find costumes and colorful socks./ I remove the socks and what is left for me to find?/ The fairy wings I looked for! I need to go unwind.

The author's comments:
This really happened!

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