The Dress | Teen Ink

The Dress

December 21, 2009
By Jordan S. Davis BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Jordan S. Davis BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

While shopping at the mall I saw athis beautiful pink dress.
I thought "Oh my goodness, all the people I could impress".
I looked through my wallet to see if I had my money
And thought of what my boyfriend would say, he's say, "oh honey".

I went into the store an d saw it on the mannequin.
I turned my head but no, I have to look at it again.
I was thinking to myself, "I need to have that dress".
Withought that beautiful dress I think I'd look a mess.

Thinking to myself, "If you want it go look at the price".
Saw that it was five hundred dollars and wow that's not nice.
How could I buy the pink dress? Its price is just way too high
But I have to go do something I can't tell it goodbye.

Now reaching for my pocket I felt for my credit card.
Contemplating if I should buy it that was very hard.
Should I leave it there and have it wait for me to return?
With that dress I'd look so hot I'd make people stop and turn.

It was too much money so I knew I shouldn't buy it.
This is way too much for my mind I gotta' go sit.
I could definitely use the money to pay for my bills.
I knmew that would be the best choice, but it wasn't my will.

Getting back up, I went to the rack and looked for my size.
This is going to be mine. I felt like I won a prize.
I went to the cash register and gave my card a swipe.
This was such a great feeling it had to be the best night.

While walking out the store with my shopping bag in hand
I felt so very excited that I could barely stand.
I ran out to my car to get behind the steering wheel.
What shoes can I wear with the dress? Oh, those black and pink heels.

I went in my house, put up the dress, and then watched TV.
I had felt so lucky then, who wouldn't want to be me?
While I was sitting down I heard my house telephone ring.
It was my friend. she asked if I was doing anything.

She had invited me to go to a party with her.
Rather than staying home going out is what I's prefer.
So I accepted the offer and went to go get dressed.
With thwe pink dress I was confident that I'd look my best.

While at the party I was standing and drinking a coke.
Until somebody decided to give me a hard poke.
I had a fit. Soda got all over and made a mess.
Sadly to say... that's the end of the beautiful pink dress.

The author's comments:
I was inpired to write this poem while reading "Casey at the Bat" in class. Then my class was given an assignment to write a poem about anything you wanted and so I chose a pink dress.

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