Victory over silence | Teen Ink

Victory over silence

December 17, 2009
By Anonymous

In your ears, an echo endlessly resounds
Words are spoken but fall to the ground.
Boastful, malicious like a cancer's bloom
Deaf and dumb, society will assume.

Pause, listen to the blank noise rebound
In your ears, an echo endlessly resounds
Strain your ears to the silence of the tomb
Deaf even from your days in the womb

A dull roar is all you hear around
Words are spoken but fall to the ground.
Unspoken by moving lips in the eternal gloom
Words and voices are what the silence consumes.

Words are things that are dead and drowned
In your ears, an echo endlessly resounds
Silence reigns and it will resume
No sounds heard, we will presume.

The hands before you, with them you found
Voiceless signs, escape the silence that impounds
Communication, words we will exhume
An escape from the impending doom.

Now you have the power to protest and fume
Against the silence around you flaunting its plume.
Move your hands, weave the words in the loom
Push the words through silence’s tomb.

So now shape your hands, make these words profound
Break the lingual ropes with which you are bound
In your ears, an echo endlessly resounds
In deafness, your words reach the eyes without a sound.

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