A Mothers Testamnet | Teen Ink

A Mothers Testamnet

December 14, 2009
By julianrose SILVER, Lake Orion, Michigan
julianrose SILVER, Lake Orion, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A Mothers Testament
For Sherman Alexie's Crow Testament

A mother lifts her child, her crying little baby,
and rocks him in a chair.

Damn, says the mother, I guess
this is just the beginning.

A war torn country
Leaves their future in shambles
Uncertainty scars the mother
But love brings them through

Damn, say mother if I was rich
I would have left this place before this war

Father goes off to war,
The land now burnt to the ground
She’s loosing her faith in God.

Damn, says mother, at times it would be
so much easier to just give up on you.

Among the ashes of the war torn streets
Lays some where her husband a father to her baby.

Damn, says mother, her shirt
damp with tears

When Men fight Men
The whole world turns red with blood
Damn, says mother its raining bullets

Mother runs around the house
Gathering up her keepsakes

but they are so many
not of the memories can be saved

So, carefully she chooses what ones to keep
but it all seems so worthless now

Damn, says mother, when’s
this going to end?

Hiding out in the bomb shelter
Holding her baby tight alls she’s hears now
Is the bombing in the night

Damn, says mother is this
how the worlds going to end?

The author's comments:
This is a copy change for Sherman Alexie

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