The last bad day | Teen Ink

The last bad day

December 13, 2009
By TomOblivion BRONZE, Franktown, Colorado
TomOblivion BRONZE, Franktown, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I stood there, looking over the snow covered landscape.
Unseen, as others happily run past me, not a care in the world.
I walk by, my old, black, weather beaten cloak, billowing in the breeze.
The sun began to peak out from between heavy dark grey clouds.
I’d look down and check my pocket watch from time to time making sure I was on schedule.
For someone, this day was about to get very bad, but to me it was standard.
Finally, as I broadly looked back to my pocket watch I heard some one scream.
“Well, well. Here comes my 4 o’ clock.” I say looking up from my pocket watch.
All I see is a car coming around the corner, and starting to spin out of control.
For that person this was not a good day, especially since they had an appointment with me.
And they would make it to this appointment whether they liked it or not.

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