lonely | Teen Ink


November 24, 2009
By brokeny3llow BRONZE, Bushkill, Pennsylvania
brokeny3llow BRONZE, Bushkill, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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You have no idea what i go through until you step in my shoes..

I told you what I didn’t like and you said that would never be you, You said you would hold my heart and always be there. I told you that I was spoiled you said you could give me everything I want. I don’t want material things just the time of day to know your okay. Yet again your just like the rest you say one thing and you make me regret. Music speaks what I have to say but what if I pass it your way. Who’s to tell if you would actually listen sit down and take the time to hear the words and not the melody. I never hated you or even lied. I don’t deny meeting you. But at night I cry. You said you trust me but in the back of my mind I know you didn’t. Sometimes I think about how it would have been if everything were perfect but when you love someone (family or friends) you have rough times till the very end. I put on my brand new heels, some skinny jeans, comb my hair and wipe away my fear. The fears that I wont see you again. Or see your name pop up on my phone with your picture that made my day even brighter. People say all kind of things but one thing I do know, is forever your name will always have a part of my lonely heart.

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