Eleven Eighteen's Angel | Teen Ink

Eleven Eighteen's Angel

November 19, 2009
By Priscilla PLATINUM, Hawthorne, New Jersey
Priscilla PLATINUM, Hawthorne, New Jersey
25 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built. -- Eleanor Roosevelt
People with courage and character always seem sinister to the rest. -- Herman Hesse

Dark clouds congest the sky,
the grass is all dried up,
the rain falls like the tears we cry,
the mud precludes us from standing up.

We sit here in the rain
praying for our angel.
And though we feel much pain
we know in heave is our angel.

The light of her halo is trying to break through.
She's telling us she's in a better place.
We respond,"But Angel, we still miss you.
Angel, we still want to see your face."

Everyday we pray to our Dear Angel.
We link our hands together to send our thoughts.
Every minute we think of our Dear Angel.
Oh Dear Angel, she fought, fought, and fought.

The light of her halo will shine on forever.
Her life on earth will always be remembered.
Dear Angel, one day we will all be together.

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