God's Grace is Enough | Teen Ink

God's Grace is Enough

November 13, 2009
By squirrel763 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
squirrel763 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

God's grace is enough
on his path we must stay
don't show off our stuff
but light up the way
bring others to God
that is our goal
but if we only nod
then we fall in a hole
while the devil may tempt us
we must remain strong
for heaven's above us
and there we belong
for through all the pain
God will fight on
and we can't refreain
or then He'll be gone
for God gives us the power
to make others our kin
and like a strong tower
we find peace within
God gave us our friends
the best gift of all
for his love never bends
as he watches us all
for through all the years
God's watched over our stuff
and aside from our peers
God's grace is enough

The author's comments:
this poem was really written as a reminder to show me that God and my friends are enough of a reason to live life to the fullest and the only reason i need to keep doing what i do.

just a little poem i wrote in my spare time. i hope many of you like it and any feedback is greatly appreciated.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 27 2017 at 8:01 pm
0 articles 0 photos 6 comments
I love how this rhymes, and the message is so true. I definitely agree that friends can make live worth it, especially when they are loving kind people. I have also learned to not rely on friends more than God, because even best friends can let you down. Overall, I think this poem is a great reminder for our world that life is the best when we rely on God.