This is What I Say! | Teen Ink

This is What I Say!

November 12, 2009
By SeanMoore GOLD, Campinas, Other
SeanMoore GOLD, Campinas, Other
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"if i had to choose between breathing and loving you, i would choose my last breath to say 'i love you'"-unknown

They’re wrong,
that’s a lie.
I didn’t,
I would never!
Why do people feel the need to assign someone special?
Why do they need to look up to someone?
They say I get good grades,
they say I amcooler from the other guys.
They said Iwent out with her,
they said I went out with them!
Well don’t listen to them....
cuz this is what I say!
I am not special!
I am not cooler then theother guys!
I didn’t date her, and I would never treat girls like that!
I’m not special I am just what every guy should want to be....
and maybe I am different from the other guys,
but I’monlydifferent because I can respect myself,
and others.
you say you like me,
but I say you don’t
you wouldn’t
you would think that with all the guys she went out with she would respect herself
and I to not even as much as tell me that three worded lie!

I'm sorry!
But I don’t care what they say....
cuz this is what I say!

I say,

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