From the Land of Make Believe | Teen Ink

From the Land of Make Believe

November 11, 2009
By SeanMoore GOLD, Campinas, Other
SeanMoore GOLD, Campinas, Other
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"if i had to choose between breathing and loving you, i would choose my last breath to say 'i love you'"-unknown

you are a fallen rose petal,
a petal from the land of make believe!
you have fallen because you are not like the rest,
becuase you are the best!
you do not need anyone to look at you,
and say you are beautiful;
you do not need anyone to look at you and say
you are unimaginable!
but you are not alone,
i am with you.
i see you on the ground,
my heart starts to pound!
you are what i have been looking for my whole life!
you are a petal from the land of make believe;
you are special inside and out!
only the most imaginable of imagination have the honor,
the honor to rest eyes upon you!
you have fallen because you are not like the rest trying to show off your beauty!
you have hidden yourself because you know you are special...
for you are a petal,
a petal from the land of make believe!
but you are not alone,
i am with you.
i belive in you in the land of make believe!

will you be my petalfrom the land of make believe?

The author's comments:
a girl from my old school in brazil said this!she inspires me alot! i have made a poem referring to the following text in quotaion marks!

"She's the one that they call whatsername. And there's nothing wrong with me, this is how I'm supposed to be in a land of make believe who don't believe in me."-Camila Desrosiers

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