You; the Horse | Teen Ink

You; the Horse

November 9, 2009
By ponypal BRONZE, Redding, California
ponypal BRONZE, Redding, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You nuzzle me when I feel pain
You warm my hands under your mane

You lift my spirits with your melodious neigh
You let me rest; by your side I lay

You wait for me with bright eager eyes
You tell me the truth; you tell no lies

You give me courage when you are brave
You, in your ways the world- you could save

You; in the game of life are honest and fair
You know the risks and take the dares

You make me tall upon your back
You; in ways of love you do not lack

If the world would listen
If the world would see
If they followed your ways, how happy they’d be

The author's comments:
The horses in my life inspired me.

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