Going On A Roller Coaster | Teen Ink

Going On A Roller Coaster MAG

By Anonymous


Going on a roller coaster

is exciting is scary

Getting closer to the top, tic, tic

the sound makes the echo is

me snap my fingers like Chinese

water torture

OVER the hill

I release my hands I grasp the sweaty

and try to touch the bar like a person

top of the steel bar hangliding

The boxes go down with a swoop

my stomach is free please I beg my

to go wherever it stomach you can

wants handle one more

loop please!

Sliding in the sharp turn

"what fun," my voice screamed "HELP," a small voice

to someone who thought cried, but not

that I was losing in a panic rather,

my mind. help, make

the ride over

The wish

my wish was over yes my wish came

the ride had ended true the ride was


Let's do it again

let's do it again, I'll never do it

wow it was fun, no - again, never


Going on a roller coaster

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