Christmas? | Teen Ink

Christmas? MAG

By Anonymous

   It's said that outdoors in midwinter is bleak;

For me, home life's bleaker still.

Depression is high, all of us cry;

I smile only by power of will.

The household shrieks with gaiety false

All of us feel the strain.

Outdoors, snow is bright; everything looks right -

But indoors, there's nothing but rain.

Parents are overworked, they say that they're slaves,

They rant and they rave and they swear.

"Everything's left for me to do!"

"Seems that you folks just don't care!"

I can't do this much longer - I'm nearing the edge;

'Mid despair, a dove of peace must I be.

And my poor weary feet take me home through the sleet

Where nobody has time for me.

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