You Are… | Teen Ink

You Are…

November 2, 2009
By heath26 BRONZE, Warrington, Pennsylvania
heath26 BRONZE, Warrington, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You are the light,
that shines each day I wake up
You are the shining stars,
I watch each night before I go to sleep
You are the piece of my heart,
that has been missing

you are not the smell of the old rusted barn,
or the sound of neighing horses,
and certainly not the sound of Tim McGraw,
there is just no way you are the sound of Tim McGraw

it is possible you are that someone,
I have been searching for to love throughout my life

And a long stare at you,
will show me you are neither a cheater,
or someone who is unkind

It might interest you to know,
speaking of you makes me feel good inside

Now I also happen to be the smell of the old rusted barn,
the sound of the neighing horses,
and the sound of Tim McGraw

I am also the rainbow,
after a rainstorm
and the cloudless sky,
but don’t worry I’m not the lights that shines

You are still the light that shines,
you are always the light that shines
Not to mention that piece of my heart that has been missing
but somehow now has been found

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this poem was the poem entitled "Litany" by Billy Collins, i used his form to write this poem.

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