Down At The Waterfront | Teen Ink

Down At The Waterfront MAG

By Anonymous

   It was arm-wrestling at the waterfront,

All the patrons gathered 'round.

They called them the "Super Powers,"

And a champion would be crowned.

On the left sat one contender,

He thought he was the best.

His clothes were bright: red, blue and white,

He was named "The Eagle from the West."

On the right was his opponent,

He towered in his chair.

The scarf on his head was bloody red,

He was dubbed "The Monstrous Eastern Bear."

They were models of determination,

Neither would suffer the loss of face.

They began their giant contest,

That became a power-building race.

The contenders mustered pure brute force,

For neither was skilled or deft.

The battle lasted for many years,

All the audience got bored and left.

For decades the powers struggled,

Because what they couldn't see

Was that neither side could truly win,

It was all futility.

Yes, the bear eventually broke down,

His body crumbled all apart.

But neither side was any farther

Than they were upon the start.

The contest is far from over,

For it can never truly be won,

Because relations are not based on trust,

But on the size of your missile or gun.

The only solution is to end the contest,

As no champion will be found

Until all the world's contenders

Are six feet under ground.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 29 2010 at 12:49 pm
Imaginedangerous PLATINUM, Riverton, Utah
31 articles 0 photos 402 comments

Ha. I read this poem right after an online article about how the US has arrested 'russian spies'... isn't it over yet?

Good job on the poem. :)