Dangers Of Study Hall | Teen Ink

Dangers Of Study Hall MAG

By Anonymous

   The monotonous silence

Tears my psyche apart.

If I had a brain cell to play with,

I'd be considered quite smart.

The heater won't work,

But it gives off a hum.

The most interesting thing

Is a fly on my thumb.

They're cooking a cat in the kitchen,

The air smells like old grass,

But I'm happy right now,

'Cause I'm not in a class.

I tap with my pencil

As my mind rots away.

There's no fun to be had

In Study today.

I hear a slap from my neighbor;

He's right on the ball.

His quick thinking just saved us

From a bug on the wall.

This is the mile we must walk,

The dues we must pay.

The death of that bug

Was the most action all day.

We look at the clock,

But the time doesn't pass,

We're all still quite happy,

'Cause we're not in a class.

There's a pain in my rear,

And an ache in my head.

My muscles are heavy,

And feeling like lead.

There's nothing but blandness

In all that I see.

There's no escape from this boredom,

At least not for me.

Some fold paper airplanes,

Some people do their hair.

Some people sort the gum

That they find under their chair.

But wait! Did I hear ...?

Yes! That's it! It's the bell!

Shredding the silence

In its jangling knell!

We leap from our seats.

Through the door we can pass!

Then we slump with depression.

We must go to a class.

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This article has 2 comments.

on May. 18 2011 at 5:14 pm
RileyJameson SILVER, Winnetka, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 5 comments
I really like it, it has a great flow to it. check out my stuff please?

Cmt137 BRONZE said...
on May. 18 2011 at 5:10 pm
Cmt137 BRONZE, Lake Forest, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
I find the best way to stay grounded is to let my mind roam free most of the time.

I meant to give this 5 stars but my finger slipped on my iPad! It's definitely worth more than 4 stars so sorry haha. I love this, it flows so well and the rhymes are great, and exactly how I feel in study hall! Great work