Voices In The Dark | Teen Ink

Voices In The Dark MAG

By Anonymous


"Hello," they say to me.

"What are you thinking of now,

and why are you staring?

Are you O.K.?"

The walls speak to me in the darkness;

in a language that I understand,

but can't hear.

I imagine them as hidden faces

behind a black veil:

forgotten images

which are brought back to memory

by being alone --

within a separate world

which I call my own.

"Why are you thinking of her?"

they ask.

I answer without a sound,

"I don't know."

"Do you love her?"

I give no reply.

The walls become silent

as they conspire with one another;

the faces behind the veil

whisper softly --

They know what I think,

for I am with them

every day, every hour

in my silent world.

A forgotten place for many,

but a reminder of some.

They know where my secrets lie ...

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This article has 1 comment.

rickthebrick said...
on May. 12 2009 at 5:02 am
cloistered experience made beautiful by long reflection.

which makes it kind of funny