White Blanket | Teen Ink

White Blanket

October 25, 2009
By Crito BRONZE, St. Charles, Missouri
Crito BRONZE, St. Charles, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The wind rustles over the dunes
Of endless white
Seeming whole without end
Forever endless forever one
Forever oppressing
Forever crushing
Any individual who tries
To become himself
But then
A gust stirs up from the endless blanket
One grain of sand
Inseparable from anther
It strives in the wind
To some unseen purpose
Known only to it
It reaches for the sky
To be free from the white blanket
To be oneself
To make a difference
As it happens
And always will
The wind dies
The Speck falls
Becomes one with the white blanket again
Who remembers its flight?
Who cares?
When the eternal darkness comes to us all
And the wind falls
When we are crushed
Our castles in the sky
Laying in ruins in the ravines
Who will remember your flight?
Who will care?

The author's comments:
I was in a down mood at the time thinking about the meaning of life. What i came up with was nothing. Nothing we do matters. We are an unimportant grain of sand in a sea of sand, nothing to distinguish us from the rest. What we do in this life will go unnoticed when we are gone, no one will care. Perhaps i am being a little to harsh, but maybe not. I'll let you decide what you think

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