Circumstance | Teen Ink

Circumstance MAG

By Anonymous

   Two young ones thrown together by circumstance

(No need to say what)

Could not remember her name for the longest time

Until he spoke of her and could not think what to call her

Stuck in his mind after that - she didn't know

Hi she said and there was something strange in the way -

He shook his head this can't be it let's move on

The first kiss kind of awkward

Didn't quite want it bad enough

Forget it they said let's move on

Friends it had to happen

Love they say it seemed inevitable oh but

it was oh-so "evitable"

For them - everyone thought but they were wrong

He spoke of her often her name in his head

So happy together yet not together

Thrown together by - what was that -

So long ago couldn't quite recall

It mattered little

Hi she said and there was something strange in the way -

He knew no one better she knew no one more

Circumstance prohibited chance meetings

Something forbidden in the way ...

You don't know she said

He agreed - I don't know

But could I

I think I love you

You're wrong

How did she die people would ask

I don't know

So tragic, or was it

It took a while years later

Something to remind

Someone said now what was her name

He couldn't remember --

And he smiled.

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