Cage | Teen Ink

Cage MAG

By Anonymous


too many thoughts spin through my jumbled head

searching for answers they will never find

is there a god?


in two opposite directions

not knowing which to believe

another world ahead


just a lifeless being for eternity

wondering if there will be a tomorrow

should we live for today?


did we miss our only chance yesterday?

carpe diem

live backwards is evil


a dying race continuing to breed

brother against brother

will it ever stop?

or do we need to go to the end

only to look back and see how pathetic we really are

throw petals

not punches

a lie is only harmless if never spoken

millions of nagging questions bottled up inside

away from the truth


an art form carefully developed into a profound mirror

reflecting our careless decisions

lonely notes

float aimlessly searching for innocence

never finding a victim until it is too late

nine to five

an endless routine of voluntary slavery

invisible steel bars surround us like


animals waiting for change

but knowing it will never arrive

half think it is a joke

half cease to think at all

everything you know is wrong

is there any escape from this


circle we have deliberately created?

i may never know.

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