Opinion Of Faith | Teen Ink

Opinion Of Faith MAG

By Anonymous

   Opinion of Faith

Faith, my strength,
my vision. You alone
defeat rational thought,
you that etch glory and
righteousness into my soul,
only to be rubbed away so easily.

An immeasurable light
on which to reflect. A
dark abyss in which I fall.
Bottomless, never knowing the
end of hurt, creator of my betrayer.
To have no faith means having
none to lose.

Faith, you are a misleader of men
better than myself. Those who join
you are forced to hold onto old dreams as
you promise to fulfill them. Those without
you lead their lives free, without the bonds
of "someday" around their hearts. They who
don't aspire can't be disappointed. I
believe I can be one of those men ...

by K. O., Somerville, MA

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