Monopoly | Teen Ink

Monopoly MAG

By Anonymous


You use love as toy.
Playing your Monopoly game with my spastic mind.
As a child,
you move the pieces across the board,
making your plays.
Easily, swiftly,
moving from the truth,
it slips away.
No purpose to this game,
we all knew that you'd win.
I run past your thimble,
only to land on your hotels.
Thinking that I might find myself with you,
I was wrong.
You get out of jail free,
you laugh, giggle, and move on.
I crumble and crack,
stuck with another game lost.

by S. S., Hubbardston, MA

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on Dec. 26 2009 at 3:01 pm
herdiary SILVER, Chandler, Arizona
7 articles 1 photo 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I just want to be wonderful." --Marilyn Monroe

So, so good, girl. :)