Basketball Practice | Teen Ink

Basketball Practice MAG

By Anonymous

   Basketball Practice

I sprint to the end of the court
my legs cutting through the oppressive air,
desperately trying to reach the endline.

I take off, this time not as fast
wondering why I bother to give up
two hours each night to be commanded
like a remote control car.

I walk slowly to the line
happy for the time to catch my breath.
I pick up the ball and begin.

Again I sprint to the end of the court
mouth wide open
sweat dripping from my face.

As I run up the court
for what I hope will be the last time tonight,
I glance over my shoulder
to see my coach, red-faced and grinning,
remote control
gleaming in his hand.

by J. G., Houlton, ME


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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 19 2010 at 1:03 pm
Imaginedangerous PLATINUM, Riverton, Utah
31 articles 0 photos 402 comments
I love to play soccer but hate practicing. Same goes for bastketball. Actually, it's true for pretty much any sport. Good poem.