Total Recall | Teen Ink

Total Recall

October 9, 2009
By Honesty'sRevival SILVER, Alexander City, Alabama
Honesty'sRevival SILVER, Alexander City, Alabama
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Resolute, I stand firm in my beliefs,
The world seems intent on giving me grief

an outline stands at the end of my path,
I call, reach out, towards this someone I have

But the Earth's rotation pulls her away,
It seems like my wish has gone this day

The ground keeps spinning beneath my feet
my stomach turns in the burning heat

She glides away, beautiful and serene,
my mind can't comprehend this horrible scene

I fall to the ground, broken, defeated
that girl doesn't know how much she was needed

but the ground seems to whisper words in my ear
and the truths that it tells me instill me with fear

I stagger back up, wobbling, unsteady
my purpose renewed, and now I am ready.

I stop the Earth's turn as my feet hit the ground,
the fever unending, my heart's throbbing pound,

Its pulse in my brain, my fervor renewed
the future I glimpsed, it is not doomed

not fated to be the way I saw,
not caught in the grip of destiny's maw

I plunge my hands in the ground where I stand,
I pull her back to where it all began

My voice comes out in a weary bleat.
Despite my weakness, I will NOT be beat.

The past is the past, all left in the back,
but without my word, it will NOT fade to black

I've cared so much, for so, so long
It cannot go, it is not gone

This fear of loss, of losing you,
is pushing the limits of what I can do

I'll break these chains, I'll cast them away
I wish you to be here again this day

fear will not rule me, my silence will end
though it might kill me, my heart I must mend

That friendship, this kinship, what we had before
I can't sit back and watch it go anymore.

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