Someone Who Looked Like You | Teen Ink

Someone Who Looked Like You MAG

By Anonymous

   When I once said enough with reality

sleep showed me a dream where

an aeroplane had you for supper

and a glass window tried to soothe my weeping,

rather embarrassed at the scene I was making.

I had an Amazon and a Nile

running down my cheeks and all the way home.

Still, on the day before the day after the sixth

I made plans but I recalled that you were busy

so I took Lonesomeness to a flick and

her little friend insanity tagged along.

All day they jabbered and filled my sore brain

with syringes that sucked out whatever was left in there

and I went home to unravel all the love songs from

their little cassette prisons

and braid them together.

So I walked to the end of a road

who lives three miles away where I got

chased by every word that ever tripped off your lips

and slow-danced with every move

your body ever made.

Sadly, reluctantly, Old Sleep moved aside

and I peeked in a window and stared at me.

And the table was holding a letter from someone

who looked like you, and someone who cried like me

was making the Mississippi

and her tributaries on my pillow.

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This article has 1 comment.

Dren12 said...
on Apr. 8 2011 at 7:30 am
Dren12, Brevard, North Carolina
0 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you don't love me at my worst, then you don't deserve me at my best"

Very good..I think many people can relate to this..:(