Madness in a twisted mind | Teen Ink

Madness in a twisted mind

September 21, 2009
By Anonymous

FOr out thy, the wind shall whisper
A scream so faint in the dark night
Wander in the life with confusion.

Petals lie upon a falling red rose
Oceans breeze follows as it washes away
A calming shill fills the false air

A kiss so passionate as if to be a dream
Stars in the night gleam so bright
Warmth that fads away the cold.

Cries of terror fill all around
A death so tragic ,so weary
Not fond of ones twisted mind.

Laughing at which ones concealed
Shall never be broken
Life's in its pondering grave
Love,violents,screams of mercy

The author's comments:
I dont think that this makes as much sense but it has a twist in it.. if u no what it is and u can find it out then you may know what im talking about .

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