Screams Of Silence | Teen Ink

Screams Of Silence MAG

By Anonymous

    Lights whirl by and stare at me dead on.

A quivering expected impact clenches my stomach.

Muscles tense and stiffen,

As a whirlwind of motion creates terror inside.

A roller coaster of fear (no admission to ride.)

Four screams locked inside, fastened down,

Deafening echoes ring in my ears.

A single second

Changes to hours of unrelenting terror.

A jolt caught in mid-air.

Thrown back on cold leather seats

A violent force of glass pounds in my head

Flashing lights spin around me.

Concerned swarms circle as well.

Words seem fuzzy and images a blur.

I watch the sun rise from a hospital window.

For that brief moment,

The rays penetrating warmth

Dance on my skin and play in my hair.

I learned to appreciate the sunrise that day.

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