To the Trembling Do-Gooder | Teen Ink

To the Trembling Do-Gooder

September 15, 2009
By c.rose.h BRONZE, Alpharetta, Georgia
c.rose.h BRONZE, Alpharetta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Tenuous, tenuous, thread
Thin line
Heel to toe, heel to toe
On this wire in the cold black sky

Oh, what a breath, this small breath
This gasp
That halts and shudders, stops
As you teeter, totter, tonight.

Oh the windmill, oh the fall
The fall!
The fall caught too late to
--oh wait, you caught it just in time.

Don’t look down, or up, or back
Don’t look!
You will see none to catch
Your dreams or your body or your mind.

So they may fall, and they may
Your eyes might see naught but
Darkness for the rest of your life.


It just may be worth the height.
It might
Be worth the risk: failure.
Because this high path is Right.

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