The Cabin In The Woods | Teen Ink

The Cabin In The Woods MAG

By Anonymous

   Deep in the woods surrounded by lush trees,

there is a small green cabin.

Just behind this cabin and down the hill,

clear water flows over smooth rocks.

By the cabin door, moths buzz

attracted to fluorescent light bulbs.

Towels draped over clotheslines

flap delicately in the gentle wind.

In the distance, an owl hoots

and darkness falls over the forest.

In front of the cabin, a pile of wood

ignites into a fiery blaze.

Seven people gather around the source of heat,

anxious to soak up the warmth.

They sit on logs,

skillfully placed a few feet from the fire pit.

Each one holds a stick over the flames,

marshmallows cook on the ends.

Adding two graham crackers and chocolate,

they munch on ooey-gooey s'mores.

A chipmunk scurries into the brush,

frightened by the sound of laughter.

The people reminisce about the old days

long into the night hours.

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