Seems Like We're Always Waiting | Teen Ink

Seems Like We're Always Waiting

August 26, 2009
By Rachel West BRONZE, La Plata Maryland, Maryland
Rachel West BRONZE, La Plata Maryland, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I watch as the shadows creep along the walls
Seeming to tease me as I wait
Sitting, waiting, watching
As they seem to call

Follow us, don’t sit there
Why wait in despair?
We can help you find your dreams
Come with us and you will see

I sit a little closer now
Contemplate my next move
Trying to figure out what I should do
As I wait

It seems we’re always waiting for something
Wanting more than we can see
We’d rather be wasting our time waiting

Than living for something

I watch as they creep a little ways out now
Wondering if I should follow
Wherever they lead must be better than here
So why am I sitting here waiting?

They call again and again
As they creep farther up my walls
I continue to sit and wait
As they continue to walk away

Follow us, they call
Don’t sit there in despair
We’ll help you with your dreams
Follow us and you’ll see

It seems we’re always waiting for something
Wanting more than we can see
We’d rather waste our lives waiting
Than living for something

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