Lady | Teen Ink

Lady MAG

By Anonymous

   One day I found a ladybug.

I captured her

letting her scurry up and down my

fingers - barely tickling my skin.

She was the perfect image of

a true lady.

Beautiful and graceful.

I realized that I had taken from

her her freedom - all she had,

Besides beauty.

But I could not let her go free.

And so turning my hand

One finger after another

She tip-toed fixedly without destination.

As I tried to balance her and walk,

She fell and melted into the black

And red speckled floor tile.

For a moment, I caught her movement,

But then she fell again amid the spots.

Left to crawl in the place which

Was not her home. Camouflaged forever.

I had set her free.

And now she had lost her beauty.

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