La Capella | Teen Ink

La Capella MAG

By Anonymous

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anticipation building in your throat

as you enter the chamber of heaven

Inhale, inhale

Absorb the color, the beauty

So close to God you can

feel him, feel him

Witness your Creazione

the despair of the Expulsion

and the Judgment on the front wall

Stare into the sibyl's eyes of sky

as the ignudi sit idly by

Marvel at ancient woman's industrious hand

And understand

Holoferne's head upon a plate

while the flood's survivors mourn and wait

for the rainbow to appear

On his back, he painted it

He hated it

Oh, how he hated it

His eyes blazing like the Inferno

that Charon rows the condemned through

This hand

was a man's

Neither David

nor Goliath

Look straight ahead

It's not your time

Exhale, exhale


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