Preventable | Teen Ink


June 11, 2009
By MetroAngel BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
MetroAngel BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She sits in the corner all alone,
Somber and enclosed in iron bone.
She thinks and plans for an end ahead,
Her morose thoughts all being fed.
Her crying and screaming she suceeds to conceal,
We all keep passing by; avoiding what's real.
Teddy Bears are the only thing that keep her warm,
On dark days or charcoaled nights through a sadistic storm.
All our eyes do all they can to aviod her's as we pass her by,
None of us even attempt to try.
And on one day, on a news reel scene,
We see her picture cast 'cross the screen.
'Found bloody and dead',
The caption read,
'Tendants slit at teh wrist',
And on goes the list,
Hello conclusion of a chance you missed.
Keep avioding to reach out and care,
Crimson tinted soft pale hair.
But breathe and sleep oh so soundly tonight; 'technically' it wasn't you.
However we both know we could have prevented that blood to glisten,
If only one of us had stopped to listen.

The author's comments:
I really was aiming to use this poem to reach out and show people that we need to do something about suicide. Even a simple 'you okay?' can change someone's entire day around.

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