Beethovan Slow Motion | Teen Ink

Beethovan Slow Motion

August 14, 2009
By NicD. GOLD, St. Charles, Missouri
NicD. GOLD, St. Charles, Missouri
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

See him in his tranquility

Take from him what is pounding,


And ominous,

Filled with a fiery spirit,

And calm him,

Take in his fast paced gestures,

Bursts of emotion,

And see how his hands dance in the air,

With each other,

And his musicians,

With a lover

Slowly, as if half asleep.

Let it slowly fill your ears,

Let it soak through your body,

And as a series of explosions would occur,

See water, slowly rising and falling,

Holding itself at the top as long as it can,

And slowly allowing itself to rest,

Watch a flower grow,

Slowly budding

Flowingly letting some part of its beauty be seen,

One cell at a time.

In a storm, harshly blowing at a tree,

Lightning striking its brilliance,

Casting away darkness for a second,

Instead see the wind, slowly moving the leaves

Not shaking them,

But brushing them gently,

Like a strangers hair,

Kissing your cheek.

See him in his passion,

His anger,

His violence at the violins.

And slow him,

See him in his passion,

His love,

His quietness,

His tenderness to the tenors.

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