Someday | Teen Ink


August 23, 2009
By Larissa Barkley SILVER, Nashua, New Hampshire
Larissa Barkley SILVER, Nashua, New Hampshire
6 articles 11 photos 1 comment

Someday... someone will tell you they love you.
Someday, you'll believe them.
Someday, you will get your heart broken,
and someday you will swear to never love again.
but someday, you will find someone else,
someday he will promise you the stars,
someday he will tell you he's never met anyone like you, and then someday, he will say he found someone new. and someday, you'll look around you and see no stars and know you've been played.
Someday you're going to realize that there is no one you can fully trust out there,
someday you're going to learn it's better to be alone, because someday, you'll be glad you're not the one crying on your bed, writing sappy depressing songs about you're wanna be boyfriend.
someday, you'll be happy again.
but then again... that's just someday.

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