Grandma Death | Teen Ink

Grandma Death

August 22, 2009
By katiesxmadcool SILVER, North Massapequa, New York
katiesxmadcool SILVER, North Massapequa, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She had become colorless.
Her blue eyes faded gray
like a sweater worn too often,
reminiscent of a dull rainy day,
and her hair had grown a length
that seemed eternal-
almost as long as each day lasted
as she waited for death's
firm, dark grasp
around her fragile aged body.
Carrying her away from the life
she had lead, for each night
she dreamt of nothing but darkness,
sighing as she slept,
growing impatient wiith the clock's persistance-
until one night in which she woke with a sudden urgency,
but her eyes met nothing
and a smile crept upon her face-
for she knew what was to come
and she waited patiently
for the comfort of oblivion.

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