Organic Apples | Teen Ink

Organic Apples MAG

By Anonymous

   Real green, they
actually have flavor.
Not soft and mealy.
Very expensive,
and thirst-quenching.

Need a snack?
Open the refrigerator.
The light goes on.
Open the fruit drawer,
light shines on the apple
making it like green glass
Some apples in a clear plastic bag, and
some have rolled out.
The biggest one is best,
no brown marks.

Look frantically to find the
mini cutting board
just for apples.
Mouth waters
As knife cuts
the Jewel into four pieces.

Smallest pieces eaten first,
then the larger ones.
With every bite I sink
a little further into the kitchen chair.
Real apples,don't have fake shine.Theyhave bruiseslike a little kidplaying on a jungle gym.

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on Oct. 8 2010 at 10:17 am
Hidden1234 SILVER, Northeast, Maryland
5 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everytime i see you a burst apart and scatter the sky with my blazing heart"

you describe this very well i can see it in my head =] lol i like that. and i love its simplicity and flow