Paradise | Teen Ink


August 21, 2009
By Megan Clinedinst BRONZE, Woodstock, Virginia
Megan Clinedinst BRONZE, Woodstock, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We started off with little knowledge of our well being,

Trying to find our one true meaning.

One by one we all catch up,

Realizing we search for paradise,

as we set off for our journey with all these wonders.

We find a flower whom has all the answers.

Her understanding beauty is like tender love,

decides to join, leading our paths.

Running off in the midnight horizon.

Each thump of our steps indicate our arrival.

At night our eyes full of delight.

Destiny approaches when the guns come to take her away.

Never realizing the fighting lead to the destruction of our world.

Until the end came and death approached us.

Praying for our wise paradise to rise in front of our eyes.

Deaths but a friendly goodbye.

Forbidding our flower to give us this one wish.

We watch as she quickly wilts away with us.

Understanding paradise lays in our dreams.

That pulls us together like gravity.

To paradise,

Where we will meet once again.

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