Ciao | Teen Ink


August 21, 2009
By wolfblade SILVER, Mississauga, Other
wolfblade SILVER, Mississauga, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Did you ever think,

of just letting me go?

Instead of trying to make me happy,

by imprisoning me at that so called home.

What you think might be best,

really isn’t.

A life full of dreams,

and looking out the window,

just wondering,

what it would feel like,

to run away.


not for a knight on a white horse,

to come sweep me off my feet,

but for the day,

I can step outside,

without worrying,

about meaningless consequences.

A day when I can watch the sunset,

on the rocks,

with the cold water from the lake,

spraying a chill over me.

I don’t need someone like you,

trying to instill fear upon me.

I don’t need someone,

to criticize me,

over every little move.

I’m sick of hearing the yelling,

and trying to block it out,

with lyrics telling me,

to do something about it.

The day,

when I can one day,

walk away from all the bulls***,

is a day,

coming soon.

On that day,

you will see me,

walk away,

and not bother to tell you why.

The last you’ll see of me,

is my back,

and my middle finger,

saying ciao.

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