Picture This | Teen Ink

Picture This

August 20, 2009
By unspoken314 GOLD, Baltimore, Maryland
unspoken314 GOLD, Baltimore, Maryland
10 articles 2 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."

"Sit still!" I say
As I get out a pen
"I'll be done soon
You can move then"

As I look at you
And slowly sketch your face
Your eyes follow my movements
With their intense gaze

You're making me nervous
Staring at me like that
I'm starting to blush but I keep drawing
"Stop it!"

I move on to your shoulders
I draw the muscles in your arms
All that hard labor did you good
Working on the farm

I admire the muscles in your chest
They ripple as you shift in your chair
"Stop moving!" I laugh
You reach out and touch my hair

"You're so beautiful when you're concentrating"
You say, as I look up
You take away my pen and paper
"I think we've had enough"

You stretch your arms
And then you stand
You look at me one more time
Then you take my hand.

We walk for a ways
Then on the sand we just sit
The sun starts setting
"I love this"

I lean into you
And we're quiet for a while
Then I look up
And I'm mesmerized by your smile

I cannot help but miss you
When we part at night
I go to my room
And turn on the light

I get out my sketchbook
And look at the drawing of you
I'm not tired and it needs to be finished
So that's what I do

I take out my pen
And start sketching from memory
I draw and I draw
Like I've memorized your whole body

Your eyes are the focus
They're what I love most
They sparkle when you smile
Reminds me of our trip to the coast

I tape the picture to the wall
And stare at it as I lie awake
I think of our time together
And that fact that you're only miles away

I wonder if
You're thinking of me
Or if you're even up
I guess I'll just wait and see...

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 21 2009 at 6:37 pm
jennee21_ann GOLD, Helper, Utah
17 articles 0 photos 568 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't gain the world and lose your soul....wisdom is better than silver or gold."

"You can always close a book, but you can never close the mind of a writer."

cute! sweet! awesome! i really like this a lot. you captured a lot of emotion. it's really good. keep writing, you have talent! also, check out and comment on my work, i love the feedback. GREAT POEM!!!