They Just Don't Know ME | Teen Ink

They Just Don't Know ME

July 16, 2009
By LoSmith BRONZE, Snoqualmie, Washington
LoSmith BRONZE, Snoqualmie, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I felt small.
And I don't just say that because I actually was the smallest and youngest there.
I say that because I never fit in.

Sure, they were nice girls.
Sure, they were great athletes.
Sure, they cared about my feelings.
I guess you could say all that.
But they truely didn't care.

I was left daily;
fending for myself,
while they all shared laughs.
Not one person included me.
Not one person even tried to be a friend to me.

I was an under-recognized, less-trained, "weak" freshman in the light of their experienced eyes.
If this is the title I'm givin
on this team, then so be it.

I know I am the best I can be.
I know I exceed what they expect.
I know I am THE athlete.
I know...
they just don't know me.

They don't know my strength,
They know none of that.
All because they are taking me for granted.

For you don't know what you have
...until it's gone...

The author's comments:
High school is the hardest time of my life. And it's not the work, teachers, sports or peer-pressure; it the fact that i AM the youngest and the most hated for it. Freshmen shouldn't be making varsity, but i have potential, i wont lie. The upper-classmen give me glares and don't really enjoy my prescence. But they don't know that their behavior is only making me stronger. And when, someday, i am the older, stronger player, i WILL include the younger. Because i HAVE been in that position. And I DO know what it feels like. And it feels bad.....

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This article has 1 comment.

E.Lee GOLD said...
on Aug. 20 2009 at 6:46 pm
E.Lee GOLD, Akron, Ohio
15 articles 0 photos 168 comments
ikno exactly what you mean!! i've been the youngest on almost all my teams because of my skill level. its not all

this is really good though:D