You Wouldn't Understand | Teen Ink

You Wouldn't Understand

August 11, 2009
By SecretBelladonna PLATINUM, Kettering, Ohio
SecretBelladonna PLATINUM, Kettering, Ohio
21 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's like a party in my lungs, 24/7, all my life." - A friend

Intensity that shakes
my bones.
Deprive me of
my oxygen,
young angel
that stands so
close. I wish
to grasp your
ghastly image
but I'm afraid
this might be
a hoax.
I need someone
to understand.
I want no pressure
on my shoulders,
to burden me and
push me down.
This world is spinning
round and round,
my mind is following
its ways.
I feel like I'm being
smothered dearly.
Now darling,
don't feel obliged
to hold my hand
and watch me cry.
You wouldn't understand.

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