English 101--EOP Baby 2009 | Teen Ink

English 101--EOP Baby 2009

August 11, 2009
By TaniMarieB BRONZE, Portlandville, New York
TaniMarieB BRONZE, Portlandville, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This summer with some special kids
My English class was blessed,
Some needed helpwith writing skills
And all...they needed rest.

Their eyes would droop a bit at times
For classes were quite long,
We shared our lives, our hopes, our dreams
In writing and in songs.

Each one of them was special
So I'll name them, first to last,
Nick charmed us with his gracefulness
For he was in a cast

Dear Tanya and a friend of hers
Teamed up to make the grade,
Matt suffered from insomnia
And she wouldn't let him fade.

Amanda had a special love
Which caused us to giggle,
Her cat, she missed most of all,
His name was what else??? Wiggles.

Karyn sat rigth up front
And never missed a beat,
Her essays were heartfelt and long,
Her jewelry was so neat.

Another jewelry addict
Sat up front and she was wild,
She loved to read and tell her tales
She was my flower child.

Her name was Sarah and she helped
The class with daily smiles,
She sat right next to Agata,
And quite was her style.

Both Darla and Carissa
Knew each other when they came,
And so the shared a room
And in the classroom they were tame.

The boys way in the corner
I would often give a glance,
For Jason was distracted
By the chat of our Terrance.

Josh did his work consistently
And Marshall did as well,
And CoCo shared her gift of gab
On all she cast a spell.

Ms. Howard taught us of a farm
That she had grown up on,
Victoria fought throught the flu
And of all i grew fond.

As teacher, I must make some fun
Of she, who led the class,
The first day that I taught these kids
I left the room quite fast.

A wave of nausea hit me
From somewhere out in the blue,
And so I want to tell them now,
My friends...it wasn't you!

I bid then all a fond farewell
We've worked and had a ball,
I'm proud of you and can not wait
To greet you in the fall.

So thanks to EOP
For all its given you to keep,
Some memories and knowledge too,
Now go home...get some sleep.

The author's comments:
I submit this piece on behalf of my summer eop english teacher Dr. Herodes

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