I Dream Sometimes, But Often I Wonder | Teen Ink

I Dream Sometimes, But Often I Wonder

August 4, 2009
By Filip Deptula SILVER, Haskell, New Jersey
Filip Deptula SILVER, Haskell, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I dream sometimes, but often i wonder,

I wonder how the liked live,
the life of luxury too demanding,
where the ostracized only worry about love,

I wonder how it is like to be in heaven,
for I have scene the depths of hell,
and the shallowness of life draining,

I wonder if some people are made to suffer,
predestination of life established,
before one can argue the inevitable outcome,

I wonder if the righteous understand pain,
or if the pain can understand righteousness,
for the conditions of both are paralleled,

I wonder how it is to be simple,
to barren to understand the complexity of life,
or the ramifications that is put on those who abuse,

I dream sometimes, but often i wonder,

I wonder how the dead view the living,
with silent cries of desperation,
trying to silence the since of the breathing,

I wonder how some obtain luck,
but what does one do if one does not believe,
can one let it control life,

I wonder how far one can push a man,
for some have lived in torture,
and the pushed themselves passed the edge,

Then I wonder of the who have fallen,
and the final thoughts of their lives,
for regret is a pain worse than death,

I wonder what man will make the Right One leave,
for the reason of wrong does not affect justification,
and one judgment cannot lead the consensus,

I dream sometimes, but often i wonder.

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