Living With a Scar | Teen Ink

Living With a Scar

August 2, 2009
By Emily Georgiades BRONZE, Virginia Beach, Virginia
Emily Georgiades BRONZE, Virginia Beach, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If I didn't have it
I wouldn't be alive
But it isn't very pretty
Its been there since i was five

As I run my finger against it
The memories flash back
Of what happened on that fateful day.
Of that near-death car crash

Sure its gotten smaller
Its still fourteen inches long
I don't want it there
How could that be so wrong?

I know I should be grateful
There's no doubt I am
But when it shows...
People dare to ask...What Happened?

Of course I explain
But it gets tiring
But how can I complain?
They're just wondering

I'll just have to look at it
I see it everyday
The memories will always stay
Cause the scar will never fade.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem over a year ago about a severe car accident I was in as a young child. I'd fill anyone on more details if they wanted to know.

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